Friday, 9 November 2012

I felt 3D was being neglected

So here's some more of my 3D, Maya work, showing the interaction between the ball rig 'Squishy' and a playground environment. We were given the task to animate squishy as if he was a real character with thought processes and emotions, so instead of just animating him as gravity intended, animating him looking at things, preparing to things, going through an obstacle course of sorts and interacting with his playground.

I chose to make my 'playground' consist of some steps, a hoop and a tunnel for cubey and had him anticipate the jumping animation with a wiggle before setting off. Preparing himself as such.

I am actually quite pleased with the final outcome, however, my timing is very off in some parts. Particularly the hoop section, where he appears to almost be in slow motion.

My next 3D task is animating a walking rig, by the name of Bert, which should be a fun and interesting challenge for me.

I will also be attending the Bradford animation festival for a week, commencing the 12th :D Which should be amazing c: So knowing me, I'll have many photo's and stories to tell on here when I get back ^-^ Other current projects are yet another Cubey animation and a storyboard/character design for a ranger rick cartoon :3
Ima try and keep this as up to date as possible, I still have many, many drawings and sketches to scan and a few other tidbits I haven't had chance to share yet, but soon guys, soon :D

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Take this life drawing, take it

Okay, so I got my camera back which is brilliant xD and extremely helpful for my life drawing stoofs :D
So I'm afraid I'm going to just chuck 3 weeks worth of life drawing on you xD

Week 1 
The first life drawing session consisted of me having a very, very wobbly start. I was using a donkey easel which I don't think helped perspective too much (being low down) and it was also my first time using charcoal as a lefty for a while, so I kept forgetting to lift my hand when I moved it to avoid smudging. I think I really needed this sort of shock to the system though, as I think it has helped me improve a lot in the following two sessions. But yes, session number 1 produced some rather scruffy life drawings.

30 second movement poses 
15 Minute Pose
Some 2 Minute Poses
Week 2 
I felt much more comfortable with this session, I think mostly because I'd done life drawing at Falmouth the previous week and because my old college used a female model that was very similar in weight and height as the one we had during this session. I am much, much more pleased with the work produced during this session. 
2 Minute Movement Poses 
5 Minute Pose 
15 Minute Pose

Week 3
For our third session, once again we had the male model. I think I still really need to get used to male proportions and the lack of body fat and the addition of more muscle toning with this model, however I feel my life drawings, although still far from perfect, have improved since session 1

2 Minute Movement Poses
A more abstract way of drawing, we were asked to draw the figure as if he was composed of cylinders and joints, I am really pleased with the outcome of this. 
And finally some lighting practice! :D Just because I didn't want my work getting too outliney ^-^ 

But yeah, there you go, life drawingness :3 I'm not being weird with the title of my blog anymore xD
I intend to scan some of my drawings at some point too, although a lot of the stuff I do is very rough sketchy work, so I'm not sure how often I should post this/how worth it it's going to be. We'll see I guess :D but until next blog post! 
Char out!